International Fresh Produce Association Talks Upcoming Women’s Fresh Perspectives Reception; Brenda Necic, Megan Nash, and Lauren Mitchell Comment

International Fresh Produce Association Talks Upcoming Women’s Fresh Perspectives Reception; Brenda Necic, Megan Nash, and Lauren Mitchell Comment

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NEWARK, DE & WASHINGTON, DC - Twelve days. That is where we are in our countdown to the highly anticipated Women’s Fresh Perspectives Reception, which will take place at The Foodservice Conference in Monterey, California. Attendees will gather for the reception on July 27 for vital industry insights and networking opportunities.

Brenda Necic, Key Account Manager, Pure Flavor® and Co-Chair, Women's Fresh Perspectives Committee“As part of IFPA’s DEI commitments, we want to be sure that our Women’s Fresh Perspectives portfolio of activities reaches women in our industry where they are,” said Brenda Necic of Pure Flavor®, the International Fresh Produce Association’s (IFPA) Women’s Fresh Perspectives Committee Co-Chair. “This reception at The Foodservice Conference is part of that commitment, giving women the opportunity to network at IFPA events. Our business lives don’t occur in a vacuum, and for IFPA, neither do our programs for women’s advancement.”

As a press release outlined, the popular reception returns to the conference schedule based on attendee demand and IFPA’s priorities around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

The Women’s Fresh Perspectives Reception is returning to this year's Foodservice Conference, giving women the opportunity to network and learn

As an optional, separately ticketed event for those registered for The Foodservice Conference, the conference features business-building ideas from highly recognized speakers and an expo that creates abundant opportunities for produce and foodservice.

Megan Nash, Director of Education and Talent, International Fresh Produce Association“We listen to our members to understand their needs and how IFPA can support them,” said Megan Nash, IFPA’s Director of Education and Talent. “We heard loud and clear that the women’s reception at this conference is important and valued. So, we’re thrilled to bring it back to give attendees a fun time to connect.”

Lauren Mitchell of Produce Alliance commented on the benefits of this anticipated event.

Lauren Mitchell, Director of National Accounts, Produce Alliance“I attend The Foodservice Conference as a company priority—to do business, whether that’s meeting with supply chain partners, learning from the speakers, or attending the expo,” said Mitchell. “I really appreciate that IFPA makes room in the schedule for me and my colleagues to get together in a relaxed atmosphere. This is where relationships and partnerships are built and strengthened.”

For more information in the lead-up to this industry show, keep coming back to AndNowUKnow.

International Fresh Produce Association

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International Fresh Produce Association

The International Fresh Produce Association is the largest and most diverse international association serving the entire…