Stemilt's Project SEARCH Interns Seek Employment After Graduation; Zach Williams Comments
WENATCHEE, WA - As of June 6, seven of Stemilt’s Project SEARCH interns graduated and began their search for new employment. The transition-to-work program helps secure competitive employment for people with disabilities and has prepared the interns to find employment at Stemilt, in the community, and in continuing education.
“I am extremely proud of our interns,” says Director of Human Resources Zach Williams. “I was fortunate enough to be a part of this awesome program at Stemilt. Each intern has grown so much in their confidence and abilities. The program was extremely successful, especially for the first year! I must admit, I am sad that I won’t get to see them around the workplace anymore. Although, two interns have found jobs at Stemilt!”
After graduation, three Project SEARCH interns were hired for employment within the community and at Stemilt. Emily Hensley has been hired as a Professional Assistant in the finance department at Stemilt and Cole Hale will also join the team as a Shipping Clerk. Olivia Leonhardt has been hired at ABC Learning Center; Karen Cervantes will continue her education at barber school; and Josh Hernke, Kennon Watson, and Luis Perez are open to new opportunities.
At the graduation, staff, family, and friends joined to celebrate the accomplishments of the interns with live music, a taco truck, speeches, and a Project SEARCH Stemilt-themed cake. After receiving their graduation certificate from Eastmont High School, one intern in particular, Emily Hensley, received a surprise Intern of the Year Award.
“Stemilt really benefited from the addition of the Project SEARCH program and the interns who participated,” says Williams. “They enhanced our culture and work environment with their enthusiasm, great personalities, and the bonds they made with our Stemilters. It's been a learning experience for all of us. The Stemilt team and the Eastmont staff really put their hearts into helping these interns learn the tools they need to be successful. This wouldn’t have been possible without their leadership and hard work, and we can’t wait to welcome the next interns to the Project SEARCH Stemilt program in the fall.”
Congratulations to these interns on entering the workforce!