Tessara's Dawie Senekal Discusses Innovative Berrisys Sheets and Their Impact on the Blueberry Category
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA - The blueberry category is one that is often bursting with consumer demand and merchandising opportunities, and Tessara is helping to ensure the category’s long-standing vitality. After seeing impressive success in South Africa, the company’s cutting-edge Berrisys sheets have recently received their Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Registration in the United States.
“The successful EPA approval marks a defining moment in Tessara’s journey as we launch Berrisys sheets in the United States,” said Dawie Senekal, Head of Sales and Marketing at Tessara. “This achievement stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to innovation and sustainability. I am confident that this is only the beginning of a remarkable journey ahead, where we can help blueberry growers reduce their overall losses as a result of post-harvest decay and ensure their blueberries reach their customers in the best condition possible.”
The innovative, technologically advanced sheets offer growers an effective solution to one of the biggest operational challenges for producers: post-harvest decay. The sheets release a controlled amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas, thus protecting blueberries from post-harvest fungal decay, particularly Botrytis cinerea; extending the fruit’s shelf-life; and preserving their quality during storage and transportation.
By gaining access to Berrisys technology, United States blueberry farmers will be able to reduce their overall losses as a result of post-harvest decay and ensure their blueberries reach their customers in the best condition possible; this ultimately helps berry suppliers become more profitable.
“As the global demand for blueberries continues to increase both domestically and internationally, it is vital that farmers adopt new tools, technologies, and practices that will ensure their ability to remain competitive in the market,” Dawie added.
This recently secured stamp of approval from the EPA supports Berrisys’ status as one of the most trusted post-harvest solutions on the market. Since its initial launch in 2019, Berrisys has experienced significant success in the South African market, becoming widely praised for its efficacy, safety, and ease of use.
How will this state-of-the-art industry solution continue to advance the blueberry category? ANUK will continue to report as we find out.