Bee Sweet Citrus Taps Into Back-to-School Demand With Summer Lineup; Monique Mueller Details
FOWLER, CA - When consumers are preparing those back-to-school shopping lists, citrus holds just as rightful of a spot as backpacks, pencils, notebooks, and all the other classroom necessities. The back-to-school season calls for products that pack nutrition and convenience, and Bee Sweet Citrus’ summer lineup satisfies both of these demands.
“Mandarins, oranges, grapefruit, and lemons all play a role in the back-to-school season,” Monique Mueller, Director of Communications, notes. “Mandarins and oranges are easy to peel and are excellent portable snacks for school, while lemons and grapefruit are great ingredients to include in breakfast muffins, smoothies, and more. All varieties are also a fantastic source of vitamin C, which is imperative for the back-to-school season.”
Due to the versatility and nutritional content offered by each variety, Bee Sweet’s summer citrus line is optimal for the back-to-school season.
“Busy families want snacks that are easy to prepare, flavorful, and nutritious,” Monique adds. “We suggest showcasing the immunity-boosting characteristics of our varieties and highlighting their amazing on-the-go qualities.”
As Bee Sweet reports, the market is strong on imported lemons and mandarins, and volume for off-shore Navel oranges has increased over the past few weeks. Demand for small-sized Valencia oranges is also starting to soar as the back-to-school season ensues.
“Quality-wise, all three off-shore varieties are looking sharp,” Monique continues. “We’ll see Murcott mandarins replacing Clementines over the next two weeks, and the Navel varieties will shift from early- to mid-season Washingtons. The Brix is up on our oranges and mandarins, which has also helped movement.”
The citrus provider will have ample amounts of grapefruit through the month of August, in addition to a steady supply of off-shore lemons, Navels, and mandarins. Bee Sweet Citrus can also back retail promotions and ads to support its partners’ needs.
Check in with Bee Sweet today to see how you can capitalize on this back-to-school citrus boom!