Winter Storm Results in Over a Foot of Snow on the East Coast

Winter Storm Results in Over a Foot of Snow on the East Coast

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NORTHEAST UNITED STATES - More than a foot of snow and heavy winds impacted parts of the Northeast United States beginning Tuesday morning. The winter storm moved over the New England states throughout yesterday, potentially causing transportation and operational delays for some businesses.

According to a report from Reuters, the snowfall that this storm created has been the most significant in the past two years in New York City. The heavy, wet snow was accompanied by winds of up to 60 miles per hour in some areas.

More than a foot of snow and heavy winds impacted parts of the Northeast United States beginning Tuesday morning

By the afternoon, cities such as Farmington, Connecticut, and Sussex, New Jersey, had received more than 15 inches of snow. The news source stated that in New York, more than 2,000 plow trucks were deployed to help mitigate traffic delays due to the storm.

We are unsure of how these conditions have impacted fresh produce shippers and grocery retailers in the area, but we will continue to keep an ear to the ground.

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