Industry Associations Collaborate to Launch New Online Food Safety Training Platform
YUMA, AZ & SALINAS, CA - A valuable online resource has been shared with the industry as the Arizona Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (AZ LGMA), California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (CA LGMA), and Yuma Safe Produce Council collaborate on a vital tool providing free training on multiple topics.
The learning management system offers resources and online training regarding the following topics:
- Arizona LGMA Metrics 101 (English): Interactive, online training that helps employees learn about the Arizona LGMA food safety requirements through 16 modules
- California LGMA Pre-Harvest Testing (English): A course providing an overview of risk-based, pre-harvest testing through six modules
- Yuma Safe Produce Council Supervisor Training (English and Spanish): The Food Safety Top Ten for Leafy Greens Supervisors course helps employees meet annual requirements of food safety best practices and features the supervisory role in implementing and reinforcing food safety practices

Called Doctum, the innovative platform and all courses on the new online food safety training program were designed by Food Safety CTS. New trainings are expected to be added to the platform in the future. According to a press release, one currently under development will train the user on how to conduct pre-season, pre-harvest, and daily harvest assessments.
All online courses are free for anyone in the fresh produce industry to take and can be done at the user’s own pace. Upon finishing, an individual will be issued a certificate of completion.
Click here to register and view all the available training courses.
As more industry resources become available, ANUK will be here with the latest.