Record-Breaking Heat Wave Hits California in October

Record-Breaking Heat Wave Hits California in October

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CALIFORNIA - A record-breaking heat wave is making its way across California this week, despite the fact that October is typically the time when temperatures begin to cool down in the Golden State. The heat peaked yesterday and is expected to continue today, Wednesday, October 2.

Dave Hamrick, Meteorologist, National Weather Service

“We’ve got a lot of sinking air aloft,” said Dave Hamrick, Meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center. “That’s equating to warming temperatures at the surface and lots of sunshine adding to that warming. There will probably be lots of daily records set, and probably some October records too.”

According to SF Gate, temperatures will reportedly be 10 to 20 degrees higher than the average for this time of year, with numbers reaching the triple digits yesterday and likely today as well. Even near the coast, temperatures are expected to reach the 80s and 90s. The heat will continue into the rest of the week, with temperatures just a few degrees lower.

A record-breaking heat wave is making its way across California this week

The weather service reported that the state’s capital, Sacramento, may surpass a daily record, and perhaps the record for consecutive days to hit 100 or above in October, which is currently two days.

We are unsure how the heat wave will impact California’s fresh produce suppliers, but we will certainly report as we learn more.