D’Arrigo California Launches New Innovation at its Shipping Facility
SALINAS, CA - D’Arrigo California has implemented shipping kiosks at its shipping facility in Salinas, California. This innovative tool, which contains a proprietary software program, was developed to improve efficiencies of the shipping process. D’Arrigo California’s investment in the electronic shipping kiosks and its proprietary software program demonstrates its commitment to provide efficiencies throughout its supply chain. The electronic shipping kiosk allows the truck driver to minimize the check-in process.
“Technological innovation is a key component that enables D’Arrigo California to better serve our customers, while driving efficiencies within the company," said Matt Amaral, Vice President of Post-Harvest. "This customized system provides an opportunity for us to positively impact our service level at shipping point.”
The electronic shipping kiosk replaces the typical person-to-person check-in experience.
“This concept, which is prevalent throughout airports today, utilizes a cutting-edge shipping program that will be a foundational piece that will enable D’Arrigo California to be on the forefront of how the industry will interact with its customers at shipping points,” added Mark Houle, Director, Facility Operations.
In addition, this program allows the shipping office the opportunity to provide more immediate communication to drivers via text and email.
The touch-screen shipping kiosk not only delivers a consistent, high-quality, and user-friendly experience but has allowed roles to be redirected and refocused within the shipping department.
“This time-saving tool has translated to more of the team being available to work ‘on’ the business and less people are needed to work ‘in’ the business," continued Jimmy DonAngelo, Shipping Facility Manager.
In today’s fast paced environment, technology is often a key to one’s experience. At D’Arrigo California’s shipping facility, the electronic shipping kiosk has already provided a positive lasting impression.