Ahold USA Introduces Peapod Digital Labs, Names JJ Fleeman as President of Peapod Digital Labs and Chief eCommerce Officer

Ahold USA Introduces Peapod Digital Labs, Names JJ Fleeman as President of Peapod Digital Labs and Chief eCommerce Officer

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QUINCY, MA and SALISBURY, NC - All is not quiet on the Ahold Delhaize USA front. The company is launching a new entity, Peapod Digital Labs, which endeavors to drive digital and e-commerce innovation, technology, and experience needs from customers of its local brands continue to shift and change. In addition to this exciting launch, the company is bringing JJ Fleeman on deck to serve as the President of Peapod Digital Labs and Chief eCommerce Officer.

Kevin Holt, CEO, Ahold Delhaize

"We are excited about this new company, which will serve as the engine that powers our U.S. e-commerce and digital strategies," said Kevin Holt, Chief Executive Officer for Ahold Delhaize USA. "As one of the largest grocery retailers and a market leader in home delivery on the East Coast, the great local brands of Ahold Delhaize USA have a strong heritage of innovation. The creation of Peapod Digital Labs and appointment of JJ to lead the new company and serve as Chief eCommerce Officer will enable us to sharpen our focus on leveraging the size and scale of the U.S. brands to provide customers with a personalized and effortless shopping experience."

A Peapod delivery in action

What the new launch will do is accelerate growth in digital and personalization capabilities for Ahold Delhaize USA’s local brands, as well as be an innovation lab for its U.S. lineup of companies. Peapod Digital Labs will also oversee the company’s Chicago, Illinois-based local brand Peapod, which is one of the nation’s largest online grocery retailers.

JJ Fleeman, President and Chief eCommerce Officer, Peapod Digital Labs

"Ahold Delhaize USA is creating Peapod Digital Labs, which will drive market-leading digital and e-commerce capabilities to power the company's six local brands as they create best-in-class customer experiences," said Fleeman. "We have a tremendous opportunity to build upon Peapod's longstanding history of innovating to meet consumers' needs to create an unparalleled omni-channel grocery experience. Whether it's searching for inspiration on meals, shopping online or driving digital and personalization in-store, Peapod Digital Labs will enhance the digital experience to the benefit of U.S. consumers."

Fleeman is well-versed in the company’s ongoings, since he served as Executive Vice President of Commercial Services & Strategy for Ahold Delhaize USA new-to-the-game support services company, Retail Business Services. Two other positions he held with Delhaize have been Chief Strategy and Development Officer for Delhaize America and Global Integration and Program Leader for Delhaize Group during the merger that created Ahold Delhaize. On top of these achievements, Fleeman led the creation of a digital center of excellence at Delhaize America, according to a press release, and his career boasts of senior-level positions in strategy, marketing, operations, and merchandising.

Ahold Delhaize office

Peapod Digital Labs is expected to be fully operational by the end of the year, but efforts to build out will be occurring over the course of the coming months.

How will this new branch-off for Ahold Delhaize USA stir up more competitive innovations, and will we see others create their own cutting-edge digital programs? We look forward to seeing what ripples will occur as a result of this new launch, and we at AndNowUKnow are excited to see how JJ Fleeman’s expertise will bring on more innovations moving forward.

Ahold USA Peapod