Albertsons Companies Foundation Invests Nearly $14 Million to Organizations Fighting Hunger

Albertsons Companies Foundation Invests Nearly $14 Million to Organizations Fighting Hunger

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BOISE, ID - Albertsons Companies Foundation is continuing to invest in its local communities as it awards almost $14 million in grants from its Nourishing Neighbors community relief fund to local hunger-fighting organizations in areas its stores serve from coast to coast.

Christy Duncan Anderson, President and Executive Director, Albertsons Companies Foundation“The Nourishing Neighbors Innovation Grants are for organizations that we believe can have a transformative impact on hunger relief,” said Christy Duncan Anderson, President and Executive Director of Albertsons Companies Foundation. “Their innovative ideas range from creating greater buying power for non-profits to furthering SNAP outreach. We’re excited to help their innovative ideas come to fruition.”

As noted in the release, the grants include almost $4 million for 13 large grants to organizations across the United States as part of Nourishing Neighbors’ new innovation grant program, which awards grants up to $500,000 to organizations with innovative projects or new ideas for eradicating hunger.

Grant recipients were selected from more than 500 applicants by a committee consisting of Albertsons Companies Foundation staff, board members, and the foundation’s five partner organizations. According to the company’s release, the organizations below were selected for their innovative ideas that have the potential for wide-reaching impact by scaling to other organizations:

  • Campaign to End Childhood Hunger - California
  • D.C. Hunger Solutions
  • End Hunger Connecticut
  • Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning
  • The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank
  • Maryland Hunger Solutions
  • mRelief
  • New Hope Community Ministries
  • Northwest Harvest
  • Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon
  • Vouchers 4 Veggies (San Francisco General Hospital Foundation - fiscal sponsor)
  • The Denver Health Foundation
  • Virginia Poverty Law

Albertsons Companies Foundation is continuing to invest in its local communities as it awards almost $14 million in grants from its Nourishing Neighbors community relief fund to local hunger-fighting organizations

In addition to the innovation grants, Nourishing Neighbors is awarding grants of up to $100,000 to more than 140 organizations serving marginalized and vulnerable populations. These grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations who serve in communities where Albertsons operates and are dedicated to eradicating hunger in BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) either by increasing capacity to serve or to increase understanding of the needs of the community. Interested organizations can review the grant application requirements on the Albertsons Companies Foundation website.

These grants were funded from the $53 million fund Albertsons committed earlier this year to the Nourishing Neighbors community relief initiative to address increasing hunger issues caused by the pandemic.

Nourishing Neighbors is a charitable program of the Albertsons Companies Foundation, which is working to eradicate hunger in America. Albertsons has a long-standing commitment to hunger relief. In the last five years, the company has donated more than $2 billion in product to food banks and other hunger relief agencies, expanding its standing as one of the biggest retail supporters of hunger relief in the country.

To learn more about Albertsons’ efforts and the organizations’ platforms, click here.

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Albertsons Companies