Allen Lund Company's Kenny Lund and Nora Trueblood Discuss Advantages of AlchemyTMS in New Series
LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - Is your transportation system helping you or hurting you? This is the pertinent question that Kenny Lund asks in its latest video launch exploring the advantages of its AlchemyTMS suite of products and how the company can help its partners benefit from their transportation system.
“Our AlchemyTMS suite of products is designed to help you be more effective and to have a better work-life balance,” Lund, Executive Vice President of ALC Logistics, explained in the recently released video.
As he goes on to share in the first installment of the series, ALC’s dock scheduling program is helping customers get their trucks loaded and unloaded more efficiently. The program also shares information across customers’ networks to streamline communication and increase productivity.
“Moving forward, as we explore new ways to strengthen communication and assistance to shipping partners, we are launching this series focusing on hot topics facing shippers that AlchemyTMS can solve,” Nora Trueblood, Marketing and Communications Director, shared on the launch.
To learn more about AlchemyTMS and its benefits, watch the video in its entirety below.
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