Allen Lund Company's Latest TMS NOW Video Addresses Yard Management Benefits of AlchemyTMS; Kenny Lund Details
LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - New TMS NOW video alert! If you’ve been following along with AndNowUKnow, then you know Allen Lund Company’s Executive Vice President Kenny Lund has been bringing weekly insights into the advantages of the company’s AlchemyTMS service. The transportation broker’s latest release dives into yard management operations.
“Today we’re talking about a feature that’s really important if you have a drop and hook setup, and you’re moving trailers around your yard—it’s our yard management system,” Kenny shares at the beginning of the video. “It works seamlessly with the dock scheduling and lets you give notification to your staff that’s loading the trailers, so you know where the product is, where the trailer is in the yard, what door it’s supposed to be, and when it’s loaded and ready to go.”
As explained in the video, AlchemyTMS is able to set up a yard system specifically designed for the operations of each of its partners. With full visibility throughout the supply chain, AlchemyTMS is able to substantially improve yard management operations and overall business efficiency.
Find out for yourself in the TMS NOW video above.
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