ANUK's Favorite Cucumber Collection to Celebrate National Cucumber Day
SACRAMENTO, CA - Every 14th of June, select groups of the nation collectively celebrate a vegetable. Be it in libations, salads, grilled, or raw, the cucumber has earned its way onto the American calendar, so of course the ANUK team had to go through our own collection to join in the festivities.
Without further ado, here are a few of our more notable cucumber-crazed stories to celebrate National Cucumber Day:
Guinness World Records for World's Largest Cucumber
One Australian teen made his mark when he recently managed to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the world’s largest cucumber. Measuring at a healthy 1.3 meters (4.1 feet) this is a hearty veggie not to be forgotten on National Cucumber Day. Click here for the full story.
Why are Cats so Afraid of Cucumbers?
Of course we have to include the phenomenon that has gripped the internet, with cucumbers managing to take a slice of the cat video fame that has become a staple of the World Wide Web. Click here for the full story.
Veggie Aphrodisiacs to Help Set the Mood
History has provided theory over theory of how to keep the love alive in a relationship, and the produce industry has a surprising footprint in the suggested remedies. Cucumbers, as we reported last year, boost blood flow and help give you energy, giving a few curious scientists license to say the claim of an aphrodisiac could be valid. Click here for the full story.
$2 Million Worth of Drugs Discovered with Carrots & Cucumbers
Yes, this lovable veggie has a rebellious side, having been involved in a rather large drug bust. Carting 2,600 pounds of marijuana with a street value of $515,000, they were the small timers in the discovery when officials found about 164 pounds of cocaine in a cucumber and carrot shipment, valued at about $1,258,000. Luckily, cukes seem to have kept out of trouble since. Click here for the full story.
Hendrick's Gin Animal Behaviourist Dr. Roger Mugford on Cat vs Cucumbers
Last, but certainly not least, is Hendrick’s Gin’s own campaign for National Cucumber Day, in which the company has not only offered a tasty treat infused with rose and cucumber, but has also, to our delight, brought in an Animal Behaviourist to walk everyone through how to help cats warm up to their inexplicable veggie enemy. Click here for the full story.
We hope these little flashbacks have brought a touch of fun to your Tuesday, it certainly did ours! From everyone here at AndNowUKnow, Happy Cucumber Day.