Bay Baby Produce Shares Seasonal Merchandising Tips; Lindsey Lance Details
MOUNT VERNON, WA - What is fall without pumpkins? For me, such an image is hard to even conjure up. There’s no doubt the category has a strong hold on consumers from the spine-chilling Halloween time frame through the winter holidays, leaving tons of promotional opportunities for the taking. But don’t fear—Bay Baby Produce has everything you need to capture increased pumpkin and squash sales.
“Halloween is a great opportunity to blend produce education and consumption into fun activities and lessons for children,” notes Lindsey Lance, Director of Marketing. “Our product is unique as we are marketing fresh produce items to kids. With our paint kits and pie-baking kits, you can teach kids about where their food comes from and let them be creative along the way! We also believe in educating everyone on the health benefits of Organic Winter Squash and Pumpkins. We encourage everyone to use our website as a resource for information about Organic Winter Squash and Pumpkins.”
As Lindsey shares with me, pumpkins cross-merchandise well with floral items as well as a host of specialty products such as pie spices, pie crusts, whipped cream, and more. Complementing these products with squash and pumpkins can be a strong strategy for boosting seasonal sales.
While Halloween may be the first fall holiday driving your merchandising plans, Bay Baby Produce’s portfolio transcends the month of October and can easily capture consumers’ attention as we approach other seasonal sales booms like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year.
“Bay Baby appeals to customers with our originality, quality, and trend-setting for painted and ornamental pumpkins. We love being problem-solvers for our retail partners, as well as listening to what the end consumer is looking for,” Lindsey adds. “We are always looking to evolve our offerings.”
Speaking of portfolio evolution, Bay Baby Produce launched its Mixed Ornamental Home Décor Box, as well as the Mixed Organic Squash Box, earlier this year. Both boxes feature a QR code that leads consumers to the Bay Baby website, where they can find category information and recipe inspiration.
“Our goal is educating the consumer on the products they are buying and selling them the highest quality,” Lindsey shares. “We want to promote Bay Baby at the store level and start gaining some brand recognition at the consumer level.”
Is the merchandising inspiration running wild yet? Make the most of the fall season with the help of Bay Baby Produce!
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