Brandt's Fruit Trees Announces Collaboration Between Cornell's Geneva® Program and Story® Apple; Kevin Brandt Comments
YAKIMA, WA - Cornell University’s School of Integrative Plant Science started the Geneva Apple Rootstock Program back in 1968, and the reverberations of this founding are still felt today. Under the current guidance of Dr. Gennaro Fazio and Dr. Terence Robinson, the Geneva® program continues to research and develop new rootstock cultivars to meet the needs of 21st-century growers. One such variety was the Story® Inored apple selection—a variety with disease-resistant qualities released by the Novadi Corporation and sold in the United States under license by Brandt’s Fruit Trees.

“We are honored to have the opportunity to participate in this exciting trial, and we believe the Story Inored apple selection in conjunction with the excellent qualities of the Geneva rootstock will bring great value to the U.S. apple industry,” remarked Kevin Brandt, Vice President, Brandt’s Fruit Trees.
Dr. Fazio first approached Brandt’s Fruit Trees about the possibility of trialing Story on the newest Geneva rootstocks. He noted the attractive coloration and enjoyable eating experience and believed that combining Story with disease-resistant Geneva rootstock would provide value to eastern growing districts.

According to a press release, test trees were built at Sierra Gold Nursery in California and distributed to growers for site testing and evaluation in New York state earlier this spring.
Data is currently being collected and set to be incorporated into the program’s online rootstock selection tool.
For more information regarding this collaboration, click here.
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