Brighter Bites Receives 2019 Seeds of Hope Award
HOUSTON, TX - Brighter Bites is ringing in a big win after receiving the RESULTS Houston Seeds of Hope Award last week! The award is bestowed annually to an honoree who is making a meaningful impact in the work to end poverty, and Brighter Bites, with its mission to provide free fresh produce to underserved communities around the U.S. and change healthy behaviors among children and families, is making that positive impact in flying colors.
“Brighter Bites is mission aligned with RESULTS in that we are all trying to empower families in need by planting ‘seeds of hope’ to improve their health and lives,” said Shreela Sharma, PhD, Co-Founder of Brighter Bites and Professor of Epidemiology at UTHealth School of Public Health. “We are greatly humbled and honored to receive this award.”
According to a press release, the Houston chapter of RESULTS—a non-partisan advocacy group that supports a movement of passionate, committed volunteers who use their voices to influence political decisions that will end poverty—typically gathers 150 people from the Houston area to attend a fundraising dinner the chapter has been hosting for close to 20 years.
In past years, the event has included featured speakers with experience working to end proverty. This has included the likes of Professor Muhammad Yunus, with William Moore, Executive Director of Eleanor Crook Foundation, adding his name to the list after serving as this year's speaker.
“We are thrilled and grateful to receive this honor,” said Rich Dachman, Brighter Bites CEO. “This prestigious award will further motivate us to continue to dedicate ourselves to getting produce into the homes of families who need it, teaching them how to use it, and helping improve their eating habits so they can lead healthier lives.”
Since its inception in 2012, Brighter Bites has provided more than 24 million pounds of fresh produce and 100,000s of nutrition education materials to more than 50,000 families in Houston, Dallas, Austin, New York City, the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area, and Southwest Florida.
Dr. Sharma and Dachman received the award on behalf of Brighter Bites at the gala on Friday, November 22 in Houston.
Congatulations to Brighter Bites on this recognition!