Execulytics Consulting's Mike Mauti Talks Brussels Sprouts in September Produce Moneyball Update

Execulytics Consulting's Mike Mauti Talks Brussels Sprouts in September Produce Moneyball Update

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TORONTO, CANADA - When it comes to Brussels sprouts, there are two kinds of people in the world: the people who love them and the people who hate them. Growing up, I was quite certain that being on the Brussels sprouts haters team made you one of the good guys, at the very least it put you on the populous side. Over the years, after winning successive most improved vegetable awards (in my household), the opposite now seems to be true, the Brussels sprouts lovers greatly outnumber the haters.

While that’s great news for Brussels sprouts lovers everywhere, it’s even better news for people who make a living growing, selling, or retailing Brussels sprouts. Here at Produce Moneyball, we like to take an advanced look at things, so now is a good time to review Brussels sprouts as they enter their prime season. In case you still haven’t flipped over to the good side yet, Brussels sprouts shine their brightest in preparation for Thanksgiving, which falls in week 41, or the second Monday in October for Canadians and week 47, or the third Thursday in November for Americans.

As a demand-driven product, retailers should have Brussels sprouts displayed prominently as we head toward the upcoming holiday spike

The accompanying graph shows 2020 volume ramping up in October, with a small spike coinciding with the Canadian Thanksgiving. Volumes quickly ramp up again leading into the U.S. Thanksgiving and peak for the big event. By the way, if you’ve never had bite-sized roasted Brussels sprouts as a game-day snack, you’re missing something. So far, this all makes sense, even the sharp drop off in week 48 volumes after the Thanksgiving holiday.

What’s interesting to see are the cost trends. Instead of costs declining during peak volume periods, costs spike demonstrating that Brussels sprouts is a demand-driven product. Produce Moneyball predicts much of the same for 2021, albeit at an FOB cost $1-$2 higher than last year.

Whether you’ve always played on team Brussels sprouts and you want to bring back old memories or you are a rookie looking to make new memories, keep checking with Produce Moneyball, at the very least it will keep abreast of the Thanksgiving score.

Mike Mauti, Managing Partner, Execulytics ConsultingMike Mauti, Managing Partner, Execulytics Consulting

Leading the Execulytics team, Mike brings more than 20 years of experience as a leader in the fresh foods industry. Over this time, Mike has gained expertise in retail operations, procurement, and merchandising. Specific skills around grocery retailing, particularly in produce buying and selling, make Mike a valuable partner for suppliers and independent retailers alike.

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Execulytics is a consulting firm catering to the produce supply and independent grocery retail industries.