Fox Packaging and Solutions' Aaron Fox Details What's in Store for the Viva Fresh Expo
MCALLEN, TX - With the clock ticking down on the Texas International Produce Association’s Viva Fresh Expo, Fox Packaging is getting ready to engage attendees and show off its signature packaging line. For more insights on what the provider will be highlighting at its booth and its focuses for the event, I turned to Aaron Fox, Executive Vice President.
“Viva Fresh is a fantastic opportunity to connect with our customers and industry friends,” shares Aaron. “More than anything, we get to hear feedback from our customers, learn about any industry gaps, and talk about how we can greater support the fresh produce industry with packaging solutions.”
Although Fox Packaging has been in the fresh produce sector for over 60 years, participating in shows like Viva Fresh is key to introducing the company to new audiences. The show also allows the packaging maven to deepen its connection with current customers through impactful, face-to-face interactions.
Fox Packaging will also use its booth to share the benefits that its products offer partners, helping them evolve their brand and achieve their target consumers.
“Our packaging line is diverse and custom; the designs are structured, offering packaging applications that sit on the shelf in a way that introduces your brand at eye level with the consumer,” Aaron says. “This benefits your brand, ensuring the label always reaches its audience.”
This year, the company will be showing attendees its signature packaging lineup and how it is continuing to innovate in the sector.
“Recently, we have been focused on research and development,” explains Aaron. “Reviewing the supply chain and understanding how we can make a greater impact through partnerships has been at the forefront of our agendas.”
To see what else Fox Packaging has in store, stop by booth #617 on the show floor and talk to the company’s knowledgeable, friendly team about packaging and packing equipment solutions.