Guinness World Records Announces the World's Heaviest Blueberry
AUSTRALIA - I’m 100 percent an impulse purchaser when it comes to fruit and veg. While I note appearance, I’m really looking for the best vibes and which items are going to be stars on my dinner plate later in the week. And if I had walked into the produce aisle of a grocery store in Wilbinga, Western Australia, in February, I would have left with a star of all stars, a berry to beat all berries, a blueberry of epic proportions.
At 12.38 grams, 0.436 ounces, this Australian blueberry, larger than a quarter, took the cake as the World’s Heaviest Blueberry, according to the Guinness World Records—and no it wasn’t Violet Beauregarde hanging out in the produce aisle, someone checked.
For reference, the typical blueberry weighs 0.75 grams give or take, which means the World’s Heaviest Blueberry was sixteen times heavier than your everyday, run of the mill berry. That’s a whole lot of berry.
A blueberry so hefty, it has me imagining some of the best crooners of our time—Fats Domino, Louis Armstrong, Elivs Presley, Little Richard—skedaddling to the nearest grocery store to belt out “I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill” to a new muse.
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