Intergrow Greenhouses Utilizes Private Trucking Fleet to Mitigate Industry Transportation Challenges; Dirk Biemans, Bill Cook, and Kris Gibson Discuss
ONTARIO, NY - There is nothing quite like having a major investment pay off, and Intergrow Greenhouses will likely agree. As the industry has been faced with transportation challenges leading to increased load prices, the New York-based grower is taking the issue head on through the use of its own private trucking fleet, staying true to the concept of “on-time, in-full” as it continues to serve its customers.
“Rates keep going higher and higher, adding difficulty to the already complex produce industry,” said Dirk Biemans, President. “When you contract a load through an outside broker or carrier you lose some of the visibility and control required to really deliver the best service possible. That’s why we’ve invested in our own fleet, and in a freight market like this, it has really paid off having the ability to run our own loads.”
Located in Upstate New York, Intergrow Greenhouses focuses on the production and sale of greenhouse-grown tomatoes and is thankful to have its own trucking fleet as it carries out its mission to supply its top-tier retail customers, according to a press release.
“Our own transportation costs have increased as well, but in a controlled, regimented manner,” added Biemans. “We are not at the mercy of the market for some of our most important loads. Rates keep going higher and higher, adding difficulty to the already complex produce industry. No matter the freight market you are expected to deliver product under your contracted price.”
This private trucking fleet will remain especially important as Intergrow plans to continue expanding its business with another 10-acre greenhouse. Although first and foremost a grower and supplier, the need to deliver its quality tomatoes in a consistent, timely manner remains of the utmost importance.
Bill Cook, Logistics Manager, and 30-year transportation industry veteran, also commented on the use of private trucks.
“Although we are close to major markets, there is a lot of freight needing to be moved in this area of the U.S. and there is, and has been, more demand than supply in the market. That’s why we are so grateful to be running some of our own trucks,” Cook explained. “During the peak season we have as many as 50+ loads a week shipping out of our facilities, of course, our own band of guys can’t handle that high of volume, so they remain on our retail accounts, providing consistent and reliable transportation for the business.”
Also adding to the conversation was Kris Gibson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
“Here at Intergrow we’re not only striving for the highest quality product, but also reliability. Our customers need to have confidence we can deliver premium product reliably and consistently throughout the year,” Gibson stated. “This last part of the puzzle, transportation, has really helped us grow these past years.”
As necessity remains the mother of invention, what other creative steps will buyers and suppliers take to overcome current industry challenges? AndNowUKnow will keep a pulse on the newswire for the answers.