Jimmy Kimmel and Jessica Chastain Eat Durian, the "World's Smelliest Fruit"
HOLLYWOOD, CA - Whether you hail it as a delicious delicacy or “the blue cheese of fruit,” durian definitely has a controversial reputation for its renowned taste and smell.
Fresh off filming a new movie and a worldwide press tour for The Huntsmen, Jessica Chastain stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! to get the host’s judgment on his first experience with the fruit.
“Can you guys smell it?” Chastain asks, and the audience cheers. Chastain deposits two knives, two pairs of rubber gloves, a little bit of contextual history, and one large durian on Kimmel’s desk.
The experience commences. “I love it,” the actress declares as the pair’s arms are swathed up to the elbows in shiny smell-proof plastic gloves.
So, what kind of face did Kimmel instinctually pull at the revealing crack of the fruit’s thorny shell, and what was his verdict after his first taste? Find out if it was one of agony or bliss in the hilarious video above…