National Watermelon Promotion Board Announces 19:1 ROI Impact for Watermelon Industry; Mark Arney and Christian Murillo Comment
WINTER SPRINGS, FL - The National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB) is celebrating the impacts of its efforts. A new study conducted with partner Armada Corporate Intelligence has found a positive correlation between the organization’s activities and the demand for watermelon. Additionally, the study shows the strong ROI of 19:1 created by the NWPB’s investment in promotional activities.
“The NWPB is proud to continue our work in promoting watermelon and supporting the watermelon industry,” commented Mark Arney, the Executive Director at the NWPB.
The study, which developed a model explaining the retail demand for watermelon, discovered that the organization’s promotional activities had a significant impact on watermelon demand, a release stated. Funding from the NWPB’s activities at actual levels versus the lowest monthly level experienced resulted in a 4.5 percent increase in the cost of watermelon.
Additional findings of the study included the NWPB’s significant impact on the retail and FOB price of watermelon from 2017 to 2021 and its impact on the general economy. Retail revenues rose sharply, approximately 31.6 percent, during that time span, while NWPB expenditures remained steady.
This study indicates that spending on promotion by the NWPB potentially increased employment in the industry by 4,234 jobs, based on incremental grower income and the median fruit and vegetable worker salary. Using economic multipliers from the USDA Economic Research Service for the melon segment of agricultural output, the total effect of the NWPB's spending likely also increased broader economic output in the United States by $160 million.
“These findings reinforce the importance of our efforts and provide a compelling case for amplified investment in the NWPB's activities,” Christian Murillo, President of NWPB, noted. “The models are certainly worth exploring.”
To read the report in its entirety, click here.
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