Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Comments on Regional Infrastructure Projects; George Gilvesy and Joe Sbrocchi Share
LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO, CANADA - The Southwest region of Ontario, Canada, will be seeing some important developments in the coming months, as government officials recently issued an Order-in-Council declaring three transmission line projects as priorities. The Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG) commented on the action that will facilitate the development of five new electricity transmission infrastructure projects.
“We commend the Government of Ontario for their efforts to create the conditions for economic prosperity. The greenhouse sector remains an opportunity for the province to continue to grow fresh produce for local and export markets. Addressing future energy requirements will be a key component for success, so we are especially appreciative of today’s announcement," said George Gilvesy, Chair of OGVG.
The projects will streamline the Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB) regulatory approval process for the transmission lines. The OEB is required to accept that the three initial lines are needed when assessing whether the projects are in the public interest, expediting the review process so projects can be brought online earlier, a press release stated.
The Minister of Energy has also directed the OEB to amend the transmission license of Hydro One Networks, requiring it to undertake development work and seek approvals for four of the identified transmission lines. The Minister pointed out that Ontario’s clean electricity system is a competitive advantage. These actions will ensure that transmission infrastructure can meet the needs of Southwest Ontario, giving businesses the confidence to expand or invest in their operations and create new jobs.
“OGVG and its membership are pleased to see Ontario prioritizing investments in infrastructure that benefit local businesses, agriculture, and the community at large,” Joe Sbrocchi, General Manager of OGVG, said in the recent press release statement.
We at ANUK are pleased to hear that these projects will further support the long-term viability of Canada’s greenhouse industry. Stay tuned for more updates.