RipeLocker's Selynn Vong Discusses Developments, Potential Categories, and Partnerships
SEATTLE, WA - Amid Mother Nature challenging the Peruvian blueberry market, a Washington-based grower well informed of RipeLocker technology decided to utilize his. When the weather cleared, supply was tight as everyone worked to recover. Yet, when that grower opened up his RipeLocker, he found he had fresh, still-quality blueberries.
“This grower partner saw the true value of what the RipeLockers provides and has been on our board since 2021 as a result. Being able to preserve his blueberries’ freshness and quality, and extend the life of the fruit to offer retailers during a shortage like what the world experienced last year from Peru, changed the outcome of his season,” Selynn Vong, Director of Marketing for RipeLocker, shared with me. “We feel we can really be of value so that picking early isn’t necessary and you don’t have to lose out on the flavor and nutrition of the right pick time. In the most extreme cases, like the story of Peru’s blueberry season, to protect from weather or external impacts.”
RipeLocker technology can store produce in chambers for longer periods of time, and with some key pieces in place, the company is both deepening its focus on already successful categories as well as trialing potential additions to widen the reach of its impact.
“Not only are we keeping a close eye on trials of different categories like tomatoes, cherries, and more, we are doing so across regions,” Selynn said. “We have a lot planned for the year alongside marketing and promoting current commodities.”
Poised to offer a lot of value and the opportunity to be at the cutting edge, the RipeLocker team is calling on industry disruptors who consider themselves technology adopters and first-hitters when it comes to breaking through the walls of what is to what could be.
“It is hard to be first and to be a part of that discovery, but it’s amazing because it’s working,” Selynn acknowledged. “We are looking to partner with other disruptors and innovators in the fruit world who want to be part of a really incredible journey. We are not here just to sell, we are seeking to partner in building our businesses together and experience being the first to step toward the future of commodity protection and post-harvest fruit technology.”
With a dynamic year ahead and much to be discovered, it will be exciting to see which category becomes the next RipeLocker champion.