Sakata Wins Top Team and Top Walker Awards in AHA Association Northern Central Coast Heart & Stroke Walk
MORGAN HILL, CA - Sakata Seed America rallied with fellow health advocates at the American Heart Association's Northern Central Coast Heart & Stroke Walk on September 13th at the Custom House Plaza in Monterey, CA. According to a press release, over 600 Northern Central Coast residents and 61 teams attended this great event emceed by Dan Cianca, meteorologist for KION-TV. Altogether, the participants raised over $60,000 towards heart disease and stroke research, advocacy, outreach and education.
“Corporate giving is one important way that Sakata works to enrich the communities where we conduct business,” said Dave Armstrong, President and CEO of Sakata Seed America. “Through financial contributions, in-kind donations, employee engagement and organizational leadership, our goals are to assist those who are working to better their communities and to educate individuals on the benefits of a healthy life-style, to which our products contribute.”
Team Sakata alone raised $4,980, the most by any team at the event. Leading the charge was Sakata employee, Jamie Kitz, who raised $2,225, the most of any participant who attended.
According to the American Heart Association, heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #4 causes of death for all Americans, with nearly 2,400 Americans dying from a cardiovascular disease every day.
Sakata and the AHA want to raise awareness about these deadly ailments, as well as what people can do to lower their risk factor. The latest research has found that for every hour of vigorous exercise one does, one's life expectancy, on average, increases by two hours.
In addition to supporting this great event, Sakata is also throwing its support behind the AHA's Go Red for Women Luncheon this coming May, 2014 as well as the AHA’s National Eating Healthy Day on Wednesday, November 5, 2014. Further Sakata events centered on healthy eating and living are also in the works.
Congratulations on making this impressive contribution, Sakata! This is certainly a cause which everyone can get behind.