Sunview Marketing's Mitch Wetzel Divulges Sales-Driving Strategies for Table Grapes
MCFARLAND, CA - In nearly every household, there is a table grape fanatic, and the warm summer weather is sending many shoppers into the produce department to stock up on their go-to treat. As this prime opportunity arises for retailers, I spark a conversation with Sunview Marketing’s Mitch Wetzel, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, for all of the table grape merchandising do’s and don’ts.
“Retailers should make sure they are giving fresh table grapes adequate space in a high traffic, refrigerated area within the produce department, alongside other summer items like stonefruit,” Mitch tells me. “Keep the display full and fresh at all times, and if grapes are featured in ads, expand the section or feature a secondary display.”
To maximize ROI in the category, retailers should ensure grapes are front and center in their stores, promote table grapes frequently, and time aggressive promotions around peak production times. The average retailer promotes table grapes three to four weeks out of the month, as having large, fresh grapes on display is a boon for the entire produce department.
For those looking to further maximize sales, Sunview recommends that retailers offer a multitude of varieties to intrigue shoppers to further explore the category and all of its high-flavor offerings. As COVID-19 restrictions abate and in-store sampling becomes available, retailers can also offer samples of proprietary brands to showcase their uniqueness and highlight their untraditional eating qualities.
“To meet every consumers’ needs, offer a full complement of conventional red, green, and black grapes, in addition to organic red and green varieties, on display in bags or clamshells,” Mitch continues. “To attract more consumers, consider a two-tier program of traditional and proprietary varieties that appeals to both the value consumer and the shopper that puts a premium on high flavor.”
Sunview provides numerous forms of retail support, including a full complement of customizable POS materials, promotional planning support, and display bins for select brands. Retailers should optimize multiple methods to reach the wide range of consumers who frequent the produce department in search of table grapes.
“It’s important to know your consumer and make sure you are reaching them through their desired format,” Mitch adds. “By using digital and social media, you can better tell a story while communicating the characteristics of the various brands.”
Retailers, check off all of these boxes and you’ll be celebrating soaring sales in the table grape category all summer long!