Tozer Seed Enters Exclusive Agreement with Six Companies to Grow and Market Kalettes
SANTA MARIA, CA – Tozer Seeds has entered into exclusive marketing agreements with six companies to grow and market Kalettes™.
The companies included are: 4Earth Farms, Classic Salads, Mann Packing, Ocean Mist Farms, Southern Specialties and WP Rawl. Also in the agreement, Kalettes seeds are sold by Johnny’s Select Seeds to small farmers and home growers, according to a press release.
“Our collective goal is to successfully launch Kalettes in the retail and food service channels in the U.S. and Canada and build a strong awareness among consumers. By working together, the joint marketing efforts of Tozer and these companies will be able to reach the consumer more effectively,” stated Kraig Kuykendall, Sales Manager of Tozer Seeds America. “We have been very pleased with the incredible response to Kalettes and predict it will be very successful.”
According to a press release, Tozer Seeds made the decision to enter into this agreement to create a consistent name and brand identity for Kalettes. Tozer and these companies have also committed to joint public relations efforts, consumer and trade advertising and providing recipes, cooking tips and other content to support the brand.
The companies growing are subject to strict product specifications and quality controls like sizing, color and condition. Tozer Seeds has applied for a PLU code under the name “kale sprouts,” which will be available to any grower of the kale and Brussels sprouts hybrid, according to a press release.
If you’d like to learn more about what you can do with Kalettes, check out our latest edition of The Snack magazine here.
Kalettes are now available in very limited quantities, and distribution will continue to increase through the fall and winter with the upcoming production increases. For product information, click here.