United Fresh LIVE! Announces Badge, Puzzle, and Trivia Winners

United Fresh LIVE! Announces Badge, Puzzle, and Trivia Winners

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WASHINGTON, DC - What’s a fresh produce trade show without some food-centric prizes? The best of the best in our industry came, saw, and conquered United Fresh LIVE!, and the top players are walking away with prize money to show for it. With more than 7,500 active users on the platform from June 15-19, attendees competed to show who was most active and played several games to test their skills.

The top “badge collector” a.k.a. the most active attendee on the site goes to Fiza Jabeen, Field Marketing Specialist at BrightFarms, followed closely by John Savidan, Senior Director of Produce and Floral at Gelson’s Markets. Badge collectors will receive $100 and $50 gift cards to a variety of national restaurants.

The United Fresh Produce Association announced the top winners for the Badge, Puzzle, and Triva category games that were held during United Fresh LIVE! 2020

Congratulations to the following badge winners:

Badge Winners: $100 gift cards

  • Fiza Jabeen, BrightFarms
  • John Savidan, Gelson’s Markets
  • Dianna Rodriguez, Desert Pacific Growers/Covilli Brand Organics
  • Peter Steinbrick, Melissa’s
  • Mark Munger, 4Earth Farms

Badge Winners: $50 gift cards

  • Kyle Griffith, Pete’s
  • Dez Forsythe, National Produce Consultants, LLC
  • Brandon Bentley, Tops Friendly Markets
  • Chyer Kim, Virginia State University
  • Ali McKenzie, Violet Gro Inc.

Attendees also showed their skills in solving a series of five puzzles submitted by the event's platinum sponsors. Congratulations to the top puzzle solver Andrew Even, Senior Buying Manager of Produce at Walmart, who completed all five puzzles in the best time. We also saw one of ANUK’s very own nab top honors as Staff Writer Lilian Diep conquered the puzzle category as well!

Puzzle winners included:

Puzzle Winners: $100 gift cards

  • Andrew Evan, Walmart
  • Sarah Krzysik, Nature Fresh Farms
  • Annie Faller, Fresh Venture Foods

Puzzle Winners: $50 gift cards

  • Sandie Law, US Foods
  • Megan Shieh, Student
  • Lilian Diep, AndNowUKnow (our very own!)

Finally, attendees got to show their fruit and vegetable skills in a trivia contest of knowledge and speed. Congratulations to the top trivia expert Ryan Ellison, Produce Category Manager at K-VA-T Food Stores.

This year’s trivia winners included:

Trivia Winners: $100 gift cards

  • Ryan Ellison, K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc.
  • Ashley Klotz, Duda Farm Fresh Foods
  • Pete Barretta, K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc.

Trivia Winners: $50 gift cards

  • Connor Neary, Mission Produce Inc.
  • Michael Sein, Martin’s Supermarkets
  • Abel Reynoso, Albertsons

United Fresh LIVE! remains open and online 24/7, so that the industry can continue to explore the expo hall, view workshops and general sessions on-demand, and even try your hand at one of the games. See how you do versus these experts! Disclaimer: the official contest is over, but have fun! Click here to login.

See you all in the next round of friendly produce competition!

United Fresh Produce Association

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United Fresh Produce Association

United Fresh Produce Association is the industry's leading trade association committed to driving the growth and…