Voices of the Industry: What Summer Produce Items Make These Members Tick?

Voices of the Industry: What Summer Produce Items Make These Members Tick?

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UNITED STATES - I love being reminded that some of the most valuable consumer insights, and simply some of the most valuable consumers we have access to, are our own fresh produce industry members. Come summer in North America, you can find these trailblazers stocking up on everything from table grapes to jumbo blueberries and so much more.

As we look to the end of June and power up for July, I checked in with more of our industry friends to see what fresh produce items were taking up real estate on their kitchen counters and in fridges. Here is what they had to say!

Karin Gardner, Executive Director of Marketing, Oppy

Karin Gardner, Executive Director of Marketing, Oppy"During the summer months, I love a big bowl of SunGold™ kiwifruit—all that glorious nutrition, and the fruit is so cool and sweet. I find it is easiest to eat by cutting the kiwifruit in half and simply scooping it out with a spoon for a yummy breakfast or snack!"

Megan Gorgisheli, Director of Marketing Administration, Giumarra Companies

Megan Gorgisheli, Director of Marketing Administration, Giumarra Companies“During spring and summer, we love to eat grapes. Our family snacks on them and a bag will usually disappear within a day, but they are also great to include in recipes for social occasions. Team Giumarra did a grape recipe photoshoot this year, and one of the dishes was an updated take on fruit salad, but with fresh mozzarella, Greek yogurt and tahini dressing, and rosewater for a bit of Mediterranean flair. I made this recipe for an Easter get-together and it was a real crowd pleaser.”

Giumarra Companies promotes a recipe including grapes, fresh mozzarella, Greek yogurt, tahini dressing, and rosewater

Elena Hernandez, Senior Innovation and Brand Management, Duda Farm Fresh Foods

Elena Hernandez, Senior Innovation and Brand Management, Duda Farm Fresh FoodsSummertime is all about Blenheim Apricots in San Benito County, California! I have many fond childhood memories, of being surrounded by orchards full of fruit! As kids, my sisters and I had the job of moving wooden racks out into the sun, full of freshly halved apricots ready for drying. As an adult, it’s a family experience canning and making jam to use all year long. But, the best summer treat? You can’t go wrong with a fresh Blenheim apricot margarita!”

Karen B. Caplan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Frieda's Branded Produce

Karen Caplan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Frieda’s Branded Produce“One of my favorite spring and summer fruits to enjoy…is blueberries! Many years ago, we were the first company to import/fly in JUMBO BLUEBERRIES from New Zealand and that’s when I became obsessed. Now, with so many farmers growing the jumbo variety, it’s the only kind I buy. And, I love to eat them out of my hand…for breakfast or as an afternoon snack.”

Joseph Bunting, Produce Business Director, United Supermarkets

Joseph Bunting, Produce Business Director, United Supermarkets“I like to eat watermelon in the spring and summer. I like to slice it up in shingles (or buy it already cut this way in our stores), add a little salt, and enjoy. I always enjoyed watermelon growing up and it reminds me of my kids when they were growing up. We always had watermelon on the major holidays like Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day.”

Some of Joseph Bunting’s favorite memories surround enjoying fresh watermelon as a child

With so many options across our industry, summertime produce is as it should be—a destination and a beacon in the supermarket perimeter and beyond!