Wholesum Harvest Recieves "Best" Rating from Whole Foods Market's Responsibly Grown Program

NOGALES, AZ – Wholesum Harvest has been awarded a “Best” rating for each of the company’s three farms through Whole Foods' new Responsibly Grown program. As ANUK previously reported, the program is designed to increase transparency in the produce aisle while rewarding growers who take the most stringent steps towards food safety and environmental stewardship.
Ricardo Crisantes, General Manager“We are honored that Whole Foods Market has recognized our commitment to the environment, our workers, and our customers by awarding our farms with “Best” ratings,” said Ricardo Crisantes, General Manager, Wholesum Harvest. “At Wholesum Harvest, our goal is to leave the Earth better than we found it. We’ve taken steps to conserve and reuse water in our greenhouses; we utilize solar energy as much as possible to supply the energy needs for our facilities; and we use natural methods of pest control rather than dangerous chemical pesticides. Additionally, we are Fair Trade Certified™ because of our work to protect the health, safety, and economic interests of our employees and their families, and also to ensure their access to education and affordable housing. We operate our business this way because we know it to be right, but it is always rewarding and encouraging to be recognized for our hard work.”
“Wholesum Harvest is proud to provide our customers with produce that is organic, delicious, and responsibly grown,” Crisantes continued. “We applaud Whole Foods for its efforts to help consumers make informed choices in the produce aisle, while also encouraging growers to make better, healthier choices in their fields and greenhouses.”
According to a press release, in order to earn a “Best” rating, growers are evaluated on a vareity of criteria including:
Congratulations on this impressive acomplishment, Wholesum Harvest!
Wholesum, a certified organic produce grower and distributor, is one of North America’s fastest growing providers of…