Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association Elects New Board Members, President
ANTIGO, WI - The Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) has announced a new slate of leaders for its own team, its Associate Division, and the Wisconsin Seed Potato Improvement Association (WSPIA). Wes Meddaugh, Kenton Mehlberg, and Dan Kakes will be new Board Presidents for each, respectively.
Wes Meddaugh of Heartland Farms in Hancock, Wisconsin (District 3), succeeds Josh Mattek of J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc. in Deerbrook, Wisconsin, who served as Board President in 2018. Other electees to the WPVGA Board include:
- Vice President - Rod Gumz of Gumz Muck Farms in Endeavor, Wisconsin (District 3)
- Secretary - Mike Carter of Bushmans’ Inc., Rosholt, Wisconsin (District 2)
- Treasurer - Gary Wysocki of RPE, Inc., Bancroft, Wisconsin (District 2)
The rest of the WPVGA Board of Directors includes:
- Bill Guenthner of Guenthner Farms, Inc., Antigo, Wisconsin (District 1)
- Charlie Mattek of J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc., Deerbrook, Wisconsin (District 1)
- Alex Okray of Okray Family Farms, Plover, Wisconsin (District 2)
- Eric Schroeder of Schroeder Brothers Farms, Antigo, Wisconsin (District 1)
- Eric Wallendal of Wallendal Supply, Inc., Grand Marsh, Wisconsin (District At-Large)
For the Associate Division Board, Kenton Mehlberg of T.I.P., Inc./Ag Grow Solutions in Custer, Wisconsin, succeeds Casey Kedrowski, formerly of Central Door Solutions in Plover, Wisconsin, who left the agriculture industry.
The rest of the officers for 2019’s Associate Division Board include:
- Vice President - Paul Cieslewicz of Sand County Equipment, Bancroft, Wisconsin
- Secretary - Sally Suprise of Rural Mutual Insurance, Waupaca, Wisconsin
- Treasurer - Rich Wilcox of Portage County Bank, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Other WPVGA Associate Division Board members include:
- Julie Cartwright of Jay-Mar, Inc., Plover, Wisconsin
- Kristi Kulas, M3 Insurance, Madison, Wisconsin
- Chris Brooks of Central Door Solutions, Plover, Wisconsin
- Nick Laudenbach of Fencil Urethane Systems, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Earlier this year, the WSPIA Board of Directors elected Dan Kakes of Kakes Farms in Bryant, Wisconsin, as President for 2019. He succeeds Charlie Mattek of J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc. in Deerbrook, Wisconsin.
The rest of the officers for 2019’s WSPIA Board include:
- Vice President - Jeff Fassbender of Seidl Farms, Deerbrook, Wisconsin
- Secretary/Treasurer - Matt Mattek of J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc., Deerbrook, Wisconsin
The other two WSPIA Board of Directors are:
- Roy Gallenberg of Gallenberg Farms, Inc., Bryant, Wisconsin
- J.D. Schroeder of Schroeder Brothers Farms, Inc., Antigo, Wisconsin
Congrats to this new crop of leaders in the Wisconsin potato industry, and a happy harvest to all!