Yes! Apples' Tenley Fitzgerald Discusses New York Apple Production and Differentiation
NEW YORK - Working alongside New York farmers, Yes! Apples is providing the ideal ecosystem for its apple varieties. To learn more, I checked in with Tenley Fitzgerald, Vice President of Marketing.
“It turns out that the state of New York provides an ideal ecosystem for growing apples and other produce,” Tenley said. “New York’s cool, humid climate featuring annual rainfalls of up to 1,800 millimeters and a growing season of nearly 150 days means that rainfed agriculture, or the use of rainfall to water the fields, is standard practice. This is a vital technology utilized in food production all over the world.”
Tenley shared with me that more than 75 percent of the world’s crops are grown using rainwater, thus avoiding the depletion of freshwater and groundwater resources.
“Each year, New York’s nearly 600 apple farms produce more than 30 million bushels of apples, mainly using either rainfed farming methods or light irrigation with runoff water collected from snow melts,” she added. “These methods generate high fruit yields while using water efficiently and decreasing erosion from water runoff.”
Yes! Apples and its grower partners are able to bring over 20 different apple varieties to market through this efficient growing method.
“At a time when most of the world is experiencing less predictable weather patterns, Yes! Apples works toward revolutionizing how consumers think about their apples and where they come from,” Tenley concluded. “Its growers focus on improving the methods used to grow apples to address increasing climate concerns.”
We’ll continue to learn more about suppliers’ efforts to be more climate-conscious and sustainable, so keep reading us here at AndNowUKnow.