Ahold Delhaize Announces the Nomination of a New Member of its Supervisory Board

Ahold Delhaize Announces the Nomination of a New Member of its Supervisory Board

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ZAANDAM, NETHERLANDS - Ahold Delhaize is on a roll when it comes to announcing new leaders. After appointing Jan Vijderveld to its Supervisory Board in early February, the company is back to announce that Bala Subramanian has also been elected to join the Board, effective April 14, 2021.

Bala Subramanian, Supervisory Board Member, Ahold DelhaizeSubramanian is an American national and is currently Chief Digital Officer at AT&T, the company noted in a press release. Prior to his position with the telecommunications services company, he led digital transformation at Best Buy. He is also currently on the Board of Directors for Cars.com, where he is part of the audit and renumeration committees.

Peter Agnefjäll, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ahold Delhaize“We are pleased to propose Bala for appointment to the Supervisory Board. He will bring extensive experience in transforming large companies toward omnichannel and digital businesses,” said Chair of the Supervisory Board, Peter Agnefjäll. “With his arrival, we further strengthen the digital skills and competencies that will be important to the Supervisory Board as Ahold Delhaize continues to develop in the omnichannel retail space. With his background and energetic personality, Bala will bring new perspectives to the Supervisory Board.”

As Subramanian steps into his new role, Dominique Leroy has announced that she will retire from her position on the Supervisory Board as she focuses on her executive role at Deutsche Telecom. Ben Noteboom will also be retiring after serving the maximum number of terms.

Ahold Delhaize has announced the appointment of Bala Subramanian to its Supervisory Board effective April 14, 2021

The Supervisory Board will propose the appointment of Subramanian at the Annual General Meeting on April 14, 2021.

Congratulation to Bala Subramanian on this new role! We look forward to how he will help develop Ahold's omnichannel presence.

Ahold Delhaize