Allen Lund Company Details Successful 2021 Navidad en el Barrio; Kenny Lund and Nora Trueblood Share
LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - Christmas is officially only days away, and as we await the much-needed holiday celebration, the Allen Lund Company (ALC) is reflecting on a successful season of support for Navidad en el Barrio, an organization that has supported underserved communities in Los Angeles since 1972.
"More than ever, this year was critical for the families in need at Christmas time,” commented Executive Vice President Kenny Lund. “I am so proud of and thankful for those who stepped up and donated food, time, transportation, and prayers. I saw the joy the food brought to many. Blessing to all."
The Allen Lund Company has humbly supported the efforts of Navidad en el Barrio since 2004, according to a press release. Created by former NFL player Danny Villanueva, the initiative aims to provide families in Southern California with a robust Christmas dinner. Each year, ALC employees volunteer to secure dry goods, produce, and perishables in addition to assisting with the transportation of the goods to California for distribution by Navidad en el Barrio.
In 2021, these efforts helped feed over 12,500 families in need across Southern California. ALC Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Little Rock, Portland, IT, CSC, TMS, Corporate, and MarCom all participated.
"Every year, we look forward to working with Navidad en el Barrio to collect, organize, and distribute groceries for the families to make a healthy Christmas dinner,” said Nora Trueblood, Director of Marketing at ALC.
Adding to the success of the program was a host of donors from across the industry. Some of the contributing companies include:
- Cacique Inc./Cardenas Markets
- Coca-Cola
- Crunch Pak
- FirstFruits Farms
- Grimmway Farms
- Mission Produce Inc.
- Northgate Supermarkets
- Sage Fruit
- Target
- Taylor Farms
- Wada Farms
- Wonderful Citrus
Shout out to the Allen Lund Company, Navidad en el Barrio, and all of its generous donors for ensuring many families can enjoy a healthy and delicious Christmas dinner this year!