Allen Lund Company's Kenny Lund Discusses Exclusive AlchemyTMS Solutions
LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - Control can be a double-edged sword. The idea is pursued so eagerly and yet it is one of the most difficult to maintain. Especially with the unknowns of the past couple of years, control is one thing many of us cannot give up, and Allen Lund Company is making sure you don’t have to with its AlchemyTMS solutions.
“Our whole suite allows for better control and visibility to make more informed decisions and help you understand what's going on throughout the transportation process,” says Kenny Lund, Executive Vice President. “With the recent supply chain challenges in transportation, our Dock Scheduling and RFP solutions are essential to success.”
Kenny explains that dock scheduling is no longer a matter of “if” but “how” for fresh produce importers. With Allen Lund Company, transportation companies can make their own appointments that are automatically updated across the board whenever changed.
“The communication is dramatically better between all parties. While its primary purpose is to serve as a dock scheduler, it actually gives our customers a better relationship with the transportation side of the business. This leads to better pricing and better service,” Kenny adds.
Equally important to these supply chain relationships are the contracts signed within them. Kenny relays that Allen Lund Company's RFP module ensures that agreements are carried out and goals are met.
“The RFP package is not just about getting the best bids on the lane. It's also about the enforcement of that routing guide. We tie that into our solution so our customers can know on a daily basis how their transportation partners are performing,” Kenny says. “The RFP is linked to a TMS that understands the produce industry and the changes we face. Produce grows in color, and it doesn't transport in black and white.”
We each take a moment to appreciate that nugget of insight before returning to the crux of all Allen Lund Company aims to do: improve supply chain relationships.
“Relationships are the answer and always have been, but technology can make them better. Our customers have been very successful in challenging times, and I think that comes from how we view software: it can’t be technology for technology’s sake,” concludes Kenny.
As we all navigate this year’s tumultuous transportation waters, AlchemyTMS is here to give you control in ways you may have never thought possible.
I will be diving deeper into the recent supply chain challenges in my next interview with Tracey Lewin, Vice President Sales and Operations, so stay tuned.