Anthony Innocenti and Ryan Galindo Launch Solution-Based Company LIV Organic

Anthony Innocenti and Ryan Galindo Launch Solution-Based Company LIV Organic

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LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA - Anthony Innocenti has been focused on organics his entire career—and those two decades of passion, and honing his grower connections, have finally brought him a business in which he can take a lead role in a partnership. LIV Organic Produce, a grower partnership that launched in the early part of 2018, is built on consistent supply from several family farms and strategic packing facilities that can highlight some of the finest organic fruit and vegetables from the Western growing regions, heavily weighted in California and including Mexico.

Anthony Innocenti, Co-Founder, LIV Organic

“These are growers I’ve worked with for upwards of 20 years,” Anthony explains when I ask how the idea got going. “It’s been cool because it goes back to when I started building my foundation in produce at 18, and I’ve known these growers and their operations for so long.”

Along with his lead associate, Ryan Galindo, the two bring a combined 38 years on multiple sides of the business. “We’ve built a lot of good resources, we utilize key partner facilities for product distribution, and as a result we can give the growers transparency and the highest return possible back to the farm to promote growth.”

From left to right: Ryan Galindo and Anthony Innocenti in a LIV Organic strawberry field

Things have been moving forward and creating some immediate synergies, since they started this past winter. “We are working on year-round programs, most of them exclusively grown in California,” Anthony explains. LIV Organic has already built a consistent and high level supply chain, particularly in items like citrus, onions, melons, and potatoes. The biggest successes, he says, have been in representing smaller- to medium-sized growers and helping their products reach their mainstream audience, as well as local stores, in a way that makes them shine, not to mention finding ways to sell those products at sustainable prices.

LIV Organic is built on consistent supply from several family farms and strategic packing facilities that can highlight some of the finest organic fruit and vegetables from the Western growing regions

Anthony and Ryan share that LIV Organic is well positioned to reach coast to coast, fueled by its slogan “Sustainably Feeding Our Future,” which Anthony has always been a firm believer in, even as a consumer.

Curious? So are we! You can connect with them by calling the main office at (949)460-4568, and stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we continue to bring you the latest on all sides of our industry.

LIV Organic