Are Traasdahl Discusses How Crisp Technology Benefits Produce

Are Traasdahl Discusses How Crisp Technology Benefits Produce

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ANAHEIM, CAAre Traasdahl is the Founder and CEO of Crisp, a technological tool that looks to give our industry as much of an understanding of what the future can bring as possible. As we discussed what Crisp can offer, Are explained to me the company’s focus and how it delivers on such a big promise.

Are Traasdahl, CEO and Founder, Crisp“We are incredibly focused on the accuracy of our forecast, so we know how many products you’re going to sell tomorrow, how many you’re going to sell in one week, in three months, or in twelve months,” he shares. 

Crisp wants as many companies in the industry to know the benefits it offers, so it has created an intuitive format where you can export your historical sales data and be live and actively using the tool in an hour or less. 

Crisp's Display of Top Customers by category (Apples)

“Everyone has historical sales data in some type of form: export that, upload it to the system, and you are live immediately,” Are explains, adding that first-time clients begin with a free tier for a chance to experience the product at not cost. 

It all comes back to accuracy and data collection, enabling Crisp to offer an increasingly helpful operation.

“Getting that accuracy around the forecast helps a lot with the profitability of our company, but it also helps with food waste, and helps with out-of-stock situations, and all those types of things, so that is what we’re focused on,” Are emphasizes. 

There is more to dig into with this company and the impressive technological genealogy this company was born from. 


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