Bay Baby Produce Completes Construction on Newest Facility
BURLINGTON, WA - Bay Baby Produce, grower, shipper, and packer of painted pumpkins, long-stem ornamentals, and organic winter squash, has just gotten a boost in its production power. The company, which announced plans for its new facility last year, has completed construction on its brand new 55,000-square-foot building that enables the company to up its production, storage, and shipping capabilities.
I chatted with Michele Youngquist, Owner of Bay Baby Produce, to learn more about how this new facility will benefit Bay Baby’s growth plans and reach.
“The expanded space allows for increased production capacity and will make it possible to meet the increased demand for Bay Baby Produce’s products in current and expanded markets,” Michele shares with me.
The new facility, located just outside of Mount Vernon, and easily accessible off the I-5 corridor, boasts of new technology, such as rooftop solar panels, and a larger, more efficient washing and sorting line.
“We strive to implement care of water, soil, and environment through recycling, solar energy, and sustainable farming solutions. Our new rooftop solar panel addition makes Bay Baby Produce the largest solar-powered agricultural facility in western Washington state,” says Michele. “And the new line will allow for faster and increased production, as well.”
With this new location, Michele is confident about the opportunities for Bay Baby to grow and expand into additional markets.
“We will continue to expand our full and half pallet display options customized to fit each client’s needs,” she tells me, clueing me in to the fact that these options reduce retailer labor, allowing for an opportunity to increase sales.
Congratulations to Bay Baby on this exciting news!