Bayer's Lyndon Johnson Discusses Sunions Tearless Onions
NEW ORLEANS, LA – After more than thirty years of research and development, and a year of anticipation, tearless onions are set to take the category by storm, adding pep to sweet and savory dishes.
I spoke to Lyndon Johnson, Bayer Crop Science USA’s Crop Sales Manager, Onions, to find out more about Sunions—a sweet storage onion that dispenses with the tears and astringency some associate with onions.
“Sunions is a storage onion that becomes less pungent, [more] sweet, and tearless over time—during storage,” Lyndon explains, noting the great lengths Sunions’ developers have gone through to bring the sweetest possible experience while sparing your eyes. “The onions will go through a rigorous taste panel—both from a human taste experience standpoint and a test kitchen standpoint—so we will identify when Sunions is proper and ready for release in terms of tearlessness and sweetness.”
Lyndon tells me that, when quantities and quality are ready to meet demand, Sunions will be available through Onions 52, Generation Farms, and Peri & Sons Farms. And retailers will, I'm sure, reap ample rewards, provided they can keep curious consumers from biting into Sunions, as if they were apples, in the produce department.
For more, see our complete video interview above.
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