California Firm Posts Two $250,000 Employment Bonds for Rain Forest Produce
WASHINGTON, DC - Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a release stating that Los Angeles, California-based Los Angeles Produce Distributors has posted two additional $250,000 surety bonds to employ Fernando Pantoja and Tony Perez, as required by the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA).
Direct From the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:
Fernando Pantoja and Tony Perez were officers of Rain Forest Produce, Los Angeles, California, which was found to have committed repeated and flagrant violations of Section 2 of the PACA.
Any PACA licensee wishing to employ individuals who have failed to pay a reparation award, or have been subject to a USDA disciplinary action, must post a USDA-approved surety bond. USDA will hold each $250,000 bond for four years and nine months, effective December 17, 2022, providing assurance to the industry that the firm will be able to pay for produce purchased and to conduct its business according to PACA rules.
For contact information, and to read the release in its entirety, click here.