California Giant Berry Farms Forecasts Strong Domestic Blueberry Supplies; Thomas Smith Details

California Giant Berry Farms Forecasts Strong Domestic Blueberry Supplies; Thomas Smith Details

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WATSONVILLE, CA - I eat blueberries with breakfast every morning, so California Giant Berry Farms’ recent update caught my attention. The berry grower forecasts significant volumes of domestic blueberries ahead, touting high yields and exceptional quality as consumer demand persists.

Tom Smith, Director of Sales, California Giant Berry Farms
Thomas Smith, Director of Sales, California Giant Berry Farms

“We’re forecasting a strong harvest of domestic conventional and organic blueberries in the immediate months, from several different growing regions including California, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. This will all be followed by a large blueberry crop coming from the Pacific Northwest growing regions in early July,” shared Thomas Smith, Director of Sales.

Conventionally grown Florida blueberries have just begun harvesting, and California Giant expects peak volumes by mid-to-late April. Georgia production is forecasted to start in early April as well and will hit peak production in early May. Concurrently, the North Carolina growing region will add to volumes that bolster the southeast season, a press release noted.

California Giant Berry Farms forecasts significant volumes of domestic blueberries ahead

Promotable volumes from the opposite side of the states—California’s Central Valley—will provide ample supplies of fresh blueberries from mid-May through mid-to-late June. California Giant has been harvesting its Oxnard, California, organic blueberry crop since early 2024 and will hit peak production volume in early April, before a steady decline in May. The Central Valley organic blueberry crop will begin peak production in late April with production continuing through May.

“We’re on the right track to have a very good supply of high-quality blueberries throughout the domestic season,” added Smith.

Through the shared industry goal to drive significant increases in blueberry consumption, California Giant continues to provide a year-round supply of sustainably grown fresh berries that represent the highest standards for quality and consistency.

For updates on blueberries and more, you know where to find us.

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California Giant Berry Farms

California Giant was built by the dedication of many hard-working individuals committed to one common goal; the optimal…