California Giant Foundation Gears Up for Sixth Annual Tour de Fresh Ride

California Giant Foundation Gears Up for Sixth Annual Tour de Fresh Ride

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WATSONVILLE, CA - The sixth annual, California Giant Foundation-presented Tour de Fresh ride is on its way, offering industry members the chance to get the blood pumping while supporting a worthy cause. While the event is mere days away, the organization reports that there are still opportunities to support the cause before this year’s PMA Fresh Summit kicks off.

Cindy Jewell, Chair and VP of Marketing, California Giant Berry Farms“Another year has flown by and our highly-anticipated fundraiser Tour de Fresh is almost here,” said Cindy Jewell, Vice President of Marketing, in a press release. “As professionals in the fresh produce industry, making sure everyone has access to fresh fruits and vegetables is at the heart of what we do and we are so proud to partner with Salad Bars to Schools to see this come to fruition.”

The Tour de Fresh is a four-day cycling event featuring nearly 50 riders, that aims to raise funds to benefit the United Fresh Start Foundation, which provides fresh fruits and vegetables through salad bars at schools. As of now, this year’s ride has raised over $130,000 for the salad bar initiative. But fundraising isn’t over yet, and the Tour de Fresh organizers hope to surpass last year’s total of $149,588, to offer fresh options to even more students in need.

Tour de Fresh features nearly 50 riders and raises funds to provide fresh produce at schools

At this time, over 308 requests for salad bars were sent from schools across the nation, which would grant access to fresh produce to more than 150,000 students. Participants of the 2019 Tour de Fresh ride hope to finance at least 50 salad bars, at a cost of approximately $3,500 per bar. The organization is looking to the fresh produce industry to support and further this noble cause.

It’s not too late to contribute to the event and support childhood nutrition across the country. To donate, visit the Tour de Fresh website here, or contact the team directly at [email protected].

Tour de Fresh would not be possible without the support of its generous sponsors: Americold, AndNowUKnow, Arctic Apples, Atlas Produce, Basil Seasonal Dining, C&S Wholesale Grocers, California Giant Berry Farms, CHEP, Church Brothers, Coosemans, DMA Solutions, Earthbound Farms, EBX Logistics, Emerson, Famous Software, Fight Like A Girl Foundation, FreshPlaza, Gold Coast Packing, Good Foods, Gusto Handcrafted Pasta & Pizza, Interfresh, iTrade Network, JAZZ Apples, Jerue Trucking, Lipman Produce, Markon, Misionero, Mission Produce, Ocean Mist Farms, Paramount Export, PRO*Act, Procurant, Produce Marketing Association, Regal Marketing, Renaissance Food Group, Sakata, Specialty Produce, SunFed Produce, Sunkist, Tat-On Inc., Taylor Farms, Total Quality Logistics (TQL), United Fresh Start Foundation, and Western Precooling.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow as we cover this year's Tour de Fresh.

California Giant Berry Farms Tour de Fresh

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