California Walnut Board Opens Nominations for Board Positions; Robert Verloop Comments
FOLSOM, CA - The California Walnut Board will begin accepting nominations for its governing board, calling on both established growers and handlers, and next-generation farmers to help guide the industry's strategic transformation.
Members and alternates will be elected for the next two-year term beginning on September 1, 2025 and ending on August 31, 2027. Walnut growers are eligible to petition the California Walnut Board to have the name of their candidate included on the 2025 nomination ballot.
Nomination petitions are being sent to growers this month, allowing growers to propose candidates for the upcoming election. In mid-April, ballots listing the eligible candidates for grower positions will be mailed to all walnut growers in California. Growers will vote for two members and two alternates to represent their district as well as one member and one alternate for the statewide position. The nominees who receive the most votes will be presented to the Secretary of Agriculture for appointment consideration.

“Two years ago, the industry created a strategic plan designed to move the industry forward, and while we’ve made significant strides, there is more work to be done,” said Robert Verloop, executive director of the California Walnut Board, in a recent press release. "We're seeking leaders who can think beyond their individual operations to collaborate with us for industry success."
While all growers and handlers are encouraged to get involved, engaging younger industry members is increasingly important.
"We're looking to attract the next generation of industry leadership ready to roll up their sleeves to positively shape the future," said Verloop. “Their fresh perspectives and energy can help shape the future and drive positive change as multi-generational family farms evolve.”

Elected board members play a critical role in guiding the industry, offering their unique knowledge and expertise, representing the interests of farmers in their regions and statewide, and providing oversight and governance functions. Importantly, board members will also help drive the industry’s strategic plan developed in 2023, for growers and by growers. The plan outlines an ambitious vision of making California Walnuts craved around the globe and focuses on six priorities, including product quality; global sales and marketing; innovation; sustainability; goal-oriented research; and revitalizing the board and commission.
Industry members unable to commit to board service can still contribute through committees focused on marketing, production and post-harvest research, issues management and grades and standards.
For more information, contact Suzanne Wuehler at the California Walnut Board office at (916) 932-7070 or [email protected].