Chelan Fresh's Mac Riggan Talks 2019 Cherry Season

Chelan Fresh's Mac Riggan Talks 2019 Cherry Season

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CHICAGO, IL - This cherry season is kicking off with high demand, and Chelan Fresh is excited to answer that need for retailers with fruit that is ready to go. Back in Chicago, I had a chance to visit with Mac Riggan, Director of Marketing for Chelan Fresh, who shared a bit about what is going on this season.

Mac Riggan, Director of Marketing, Chelan Fresh“We’re expecting cherry demand to be high to start with so I know retailers are excited to get fruit in that’s ready to go,” Mac says. “So customers can expect big fruit, good tasting fruit, and I think they’re going to be really excited about.”

Retail partners can be on the lookout for Orondo Rubies, Cup o’ Cherries, and Wild Cherries exclusive to Chelan Fresh. And that’s not all.

Chelan Fresh is providing consumers with a top seal packaging option for its dark red cherries

A new 2 lb and 3 lb top seal for dark sweet cherries is available now into August that could be a glimpse of packs to come.

“It’s a high-quality film you can peel and reseal multiple times, can even store it in your refrigerator. We’re very excited about where that’s going to take packaging for our fruit in the future,” Mac shares.

 Chelan Fresh's new pouch bags are white, making the cherry-shaped cut-out window even more noticeable

Last but not least will be a continued roll-out of the new pouch bag from Chelan Fresh, which features white coloring the team is sure will help set cherries apart in the store.

Hear about all this and more straight from Mac when you watch the brief video above.

Chelan Fresh

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