Chris Meyer Releases Book Titled, Life in 20 Lessons: What a Funeral Guy Discovered About Life, From Death

Chris Meyer Releases Book Titled, Life in 20 Lessons: What a Funeral Guy Discovered About Life, From Death

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SACRAMENTO, CA - We learn lessons in various ways, and for Chris Meyer, a lifelong entrepreneur who most recently began a loan company, Magilla Loans in 2015, his career has taught him plenty. Recently, Meyer released a book titled Life in 20 Lessons: What a Funeral Guy Discovered About Life, from Death, in which he memorializes the lessons he learned after working in the funeral business.

Chris Meyer, Co-Founder, Magilla LoansSince 2001, Meyer has owned three funeral homes in Northern California. According to a press release, his work required him to sit with families and listen to their regrets, those moments of “I wish I had done this.” The should have, could have, and would have’s, if you will. In doing so, he learned many lessons, lessons that repeated themselves year after year. Due to this, Meyer knew that he could help people by distributing this information. Some of these lessons, he noted, were simple, others profound, others still practical. All of them, however, are lessons about life and death and surviving.

This book is not a book about dying, but one about life and living. It is sold through Amazon and all Ingram Spark retail channels.

Chris Meyer has released a book titled Life in 20 Lessons: What a Funeral Guy Discovered About Life, from Death, in which he memorializes the lessons he learned after working in the funeral business

Meyer, as I mentioned earlier, has been an entrepreneur his whole life. He has worked in screenwriting and filmmaking, touring a number of music festivals, and even creating a low-budget movie himself while he lived in New York City. He is a graduate of Brandeis University with a BA in Politics and History and obtained his JD and Masters in Environmental Law and Policy, graduating magna cum laude from Vermont Law School.

Rob Lambert, President & CEO, AndNowUKnow“This is a book for everyone: grandparents, parents, and children alike,” Robert Lambert, our President and CEO shares. “While in genre, the book can be considered a Self-Help candidate, it really is much more than that. Authentic lessons surrounding the meaning of our lives can be found in these pages—no matter the industry, age group, or society in which you live.”

I, for one, am curious about how these lessons could apply to our industry, so I'll have to read the book to find out!

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