Del Monte Fresh Produce's Dionysios Christou Discusses New Successes with Del Monte® Vegetable Noodles
CORAL GABLES, FL - With new trends and produce ways of life sweeping through the buy-side sector, there has been an increased need to pair consumer accessibility with these new and flavorful interests. Del Monte Fresh Produce has answered that call in spades, by providing consumers directly with the prepared spiralized veggie noodles they’ve been craving.
Launched at the end of last year, the company has been gracing retail banners across the U.S. with its seven blends of highly demanded vegetables. As Vice President of Marketing recently shared, rave reviews have rolled in for the selection as the company puts more plans in the works.
“We’ve received tremendous reviews from retailers, customers, and the media since our initial kickoff,” Dionysios shares with me. “Consumers love that they are 100 percent fresh, preservative free, gluten-free, and are conveniently packaged for instant serving or cooking.”
As a highly sought-after alternative to pasta, Del Monte has marked the highest demand for its zuchinni and butternut squash mixes. As consumers experiment with the offerings and their flavors, the entire line is currently as follows:
- Zucchini
- Butternush squash
- Sweet potato
- Beet
- Yellow squash
- Blend of zucchini/yellow squash/carrot
- Blend of butternut squash/red onion/green pepper
“In addition to our unique and delicious flavors, consumers are looking to Del Monte Fresh for veggie noodles as our line is sold pre-cut and ready to add to salads, sauté, or boil,” Dionysios continues. “We’ve taken all of the prep work out, making it even faster and convenient for consumers to prepare than traditional pasta noodles.”
Created especially to align with consumer trends for convenient and healthy produce options, Fresh Del Monte is planning to continue the lines expansion as interest in pasta alternatives grows.
As Vegetable Noodles continue to flourish, AndNowUKnow will have all the latest updates.