DiMare Indio Adds McAllen, TX Shipping Point
INDIO, CA - DiMare Indio has announced it has taken an important step towards a year-round lemon program, now shipping lemons from Mexico through its McAllen, TX service center.
“McAllen is strategically located and provides a value-added service that makes us more competitive in eastern markets during the seasonal gap between the coastal and desert growing regions,” says Woody Johnson, General Manager, DiMare California.
DiMare currently has a west coast shipping point in Indio California, but this addition will mark increased shipping for the company outside of the state. According to a press release, McAllen offers a substantial freight savings for both its Midwest and east coast receivers compared to the costs of shipping out of California.
Peak lemon volumes out of McAllen are expected to be available mid-August through mid-October before the California desert deal kicks into high gear, DiMare says. All citrus sales for McAllen will be still be handled through DiMare’s Indio office.