Divine Flavor's Michael DuPuis Talks Organic Program in Exclusive Video

Divine Flavor's Michael DuPuis Talks Organic Program in Exclusive Video

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MONTEREY, CA - Building relationships and making those key connections is crucial to any business, but it is especially important in produce. To build out programs that inspire consumer loyalty is no easy task, but it’s made easier if you have the right supply-side partners at your side.

We spoke to Michael DuPuis of Divine Flavor at a recent organic trade show, where he gave us the lowdown on the grower’s own organic program and why relationships are central to the team’s success.

Michael Dupuis, Quality Assurance and Public Relations Manager, Divine Flavor“It’s really important to support events and be around the organic community,” the Quality Assurance and Public Relations Manager told our team as we walked the show floor, noting that summer is especially optimal for getting Divine Flavor’s message across. “Summertime is a big time for our summer organic program. […] It’s a good situation where we can speak with our retailers and some of our partners about those programs.”

Like many others, Michael noted that post-pandemic catching up is a key part of Divine Flavor’s strategy for reconnecting with customers.

Trade shows are an important opportunity for Divine Flavor to speak with its retail partners about its organic programs

“[…] It’s important to have those close, intimate, relationships with your customers,” he explained, gesturing at the importance of having an all-star Sales team to back you up.

To learn more about the company and its organic programs, watch the video above.

And be sure to look out for AndNowUKnow as we continue our exclusive coverage of events.

Divine Flavor

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Divine Flavor

Divine Flavor is a fresh produce distribution company, owned by the growers, with the sole purpose of bringing the fruit…