Domex Superfresh Growers' Catherine Gipe-Stewart Discusses Autumn Glory Apples and More

Domex Superfresh Growers' Catherine Gipe-Stewart Discusses Autumn Glory Apples and More

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YAKIMA, WA - With winter weather waning and spring on the horizon, apple lovers have a scant few months to take advantage of domestic apple varieties they know and love. One such variety is the Autumn Glory®. The top 20 apple is gaining ground with consumers, and retailers can take advantage of the programs extensive season.

I recently spoke with Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager for Domex Superfresh Growers, the exclusive grower and shipper of Autumn Glory apples, to learn more.

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, Domex Superfresh Growers“We’re highlighting the organic Autumn Glory,” Catherine explained. “We have Autumn Glory, right now, November through May. We still have lots of apples going—getting great consumer reviews right now; they love the caramel and the cinnamon notes.”

Domex Autumn Glory Apples

At the tail end of a great season that saw Superfresh Growers work with bloggers and online influencers to grow the profile of the Autumn Glory, retailers can still capitalize on the popularity of the burgeoning apple variety. And in less than three months, Catherine tells me, Superfresh Growers will introduce another popular pouch-bagged offering—its massive Two-Bite Cherries™, alongside the company’s ever popular Rainier cherries.

Two-Bite Cherries

“It’s a few more months. We’re looking at an early June start for our Washington/Northwest cherry crop,” Catherine said. “We’re going to be marketing our Two-Bite Cherries.”

For more information, see our brief video interview above.

Domex Superfresh Growers

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Superfresh Growers®

Superfresh Growers® is a 6th generation family owned grower and shipper of both conventional &…