Domex Superfresh Growers® Attains New Cherry Packing Capabilities

Domex Superfresh Growers® Attains New Cherry Packing Capabilities

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YAKIMA, WA - Domex Superfresh Growers® is now showcasing its latest cherry packing capabilities in a new video. Over the past year, Domex has been working to implement two new state-of-the-art cherry packing lines near its Eastern Washington orchards. Now in production, Superfresh Growers is already seeing improvements in quality, pack accuracy and speed-to-market.

You can watch these new cherry lines in action in the video above.

Howard Nager, Vice President of Marketing, Domex Superfresh Growers

“Not only are we able to deliver a higher quality pack into the marketplace we are doing so faster and more efficiently than ever before," said Howard Nager, Vice President of Marketing for Domex Superfresh Growers. “Our retail partners can expect improved store level performance and a better eating experience for consumers.”

Domex New Packing Line

The new lines are able to clean, sort, size and package over 40 tons of fresh Northwest cherries per hour, and feature advanced imaging and infrared technology that more accurately segment cherries by size and quality characteristics. According to a press release, newly engineered hydro-delivery networks also help to reduce pitting and cherry bruising. 

Domex Superfresh Growers®

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Superfresh Growers®

Superfresh Growers® is a 6th generation family owned grower and shipper of both conventional &…